Weekly grain car orders (for manifest service) data from the Surface Transportation Board's (STB) Rail Service Metrics. As part of their submission to the STB, railroads provide data on the running totals of grain car orders placed versus grain car orders filled by State for cars moving in manifest service (as opposed to unit train service). In addition, STB requests the railroads report the number of unfilled orders that are 1-10 days overdue and 11+ days overdue, as measured from the due date for placement under the carrier’s governing tariff.
"Grain" includes the following Standard Transportation Commodity Codes (STCCs): 01131 (barley), 01132 (corn), 01133 (oats), 01135 (rye), 01136 (sorghum grains), 01137 (wheat), 01139 (grain, not elsewhere classified), 01144 (soybeans), 01341 (beans, dry), 01342 (peas, dry), and 01343 (cowpeas, lentils, or lupines).