The agricultural industry relies on the U.S. inland waterways navigation system to ship grains from production States to domestic destinations and export markets. Via the Mississippi River System, barges deliver roughly 90 percent of the grain exported from the Mississippi Gulf port region. USDA collects the following two datasets on barged grain volumes from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Lock Performance Monitoring System (LPMS) and Waterborne Commerce Statistics (WCS) data. USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) also collects and reports barge freight rates every week. This dashboard collates a variety of important barge performance indices that will be updated as new data is available based on WCS and LPMS data. Each visualization provides a link to its underlying processed data. Another hyperlink from the processed data allows users the access to the raw datasets.
This chart shows Arkansas River monthly fertilizer movements by locks. Lock 13 data is available from February 2021. Use filters to change date range, direction of traffic, lock, or to specify the year and month.
This chart shows Mississippi River monthly grain barge movement by commodity. Use filters to select commodity, lock, direction of traffic, date range, or to specify the year and month.
This chart shows Illinois River monthly empty barge movements. Lock 7 data is available from February 2021. Use filters to change date range, direction of traffic, lock, or to specify the year and month.
This chart shows Arkansas River monthly empty barge movements. Lock 13 data is available from February 2021. Use filters to change date range, direction of traffic, lock, or to specify the year and month.
This chart shows Mississippi River monthly fertilizer movements by locks. Use filters to change date range, direction of traffic, lock, or to specify the year and month.
This chart shows Mississippi River monthly grain barge movement by locks. Use filters to select commodity, lock, direction of traffic, date range, or to specify the year and month.