This data shows the weekly cost indices of transporting grain by each mode: truck, rail, barge, and ocean-going vessels. The base of each index (set to 100) is the average of monthly costs in the year 2000. For truck, the base rate is $1.49 per gallon. For unit train, the base rate is $1,815.15 per railcar, including the tariff and fuel surcharges (weekly changes reflect the month tariff rate plus fuel surcharge, and weekly secondary railcar market bids). For shuttle train, the base rate is $2,338.28 per railcar, including the tariff and fuel surcharges (weekly changes reflect the month tariff rate plus fuel surcharge, and weekly secondary railcar market bids). For barge, the base rate is 180 and is based on Illinois River barge rates (see Downbound Grain Barge Rates dataset for more information). For the Gulf-to-Japan ocean route, the base rate is $22.36/metric ton. For the Pacific Northwest-to-Japan ocean route, the base rate is $14.10/metric ton.